Batte of the Bulge


Speech on the occasion of the visit of  US veterans at the 12.12.04

Dear US veterans from the different US units, ladies and gentleman, dear American friends.

As the mayor of the town of St. Vith, it's a great honor and pleasure for me to welcome so many US Veterans on the occasion of the memory ceremonies

�60 years Battle of the bulge

60 years ago, you had to fight in this border- area, by the risk of your life, by hardest climatically conditions, during one of the last big battles of the second world war.

During the terrible events of the battle of the bulge, many soldiers and civilians lost their lives here or were wounded. Our villages were heavily damaged and the town of St. Vith has been completely destroyed. This showed one more time the senseless of despotism and suppress.

Many of yours had to pay the supreme sacrifice during this terrible struggles. Each of you  was hit by the German offensive with all its force and you had to go into a fight against your enemies,  young German men, which knew that the war was lost,  but they had no other choice too.


On these days of remembering we are proud to welcome you in our town.  With your heroically struggle you have not only deliberate Europe from a dictatorship but also give us and our Children a new future in peace and freedom.

At this historical Place, the formerly headquarter of the 106 infantry division,  I would like to underline that the liberation of our native country by the US forces is a great historical achievement.

For this remarkable achievements I want to thank you very warmly in the name of the women and men  of St. Vith and I wish you a nice stay in our town. We shall never forget you, be assured, we shall take care of your monuments for you.

Christian Krings
Mayor of St. Vith